
Below are my notes for the book: The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Uncommon Investor. I tend to
The following are notes from the book: The Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham. Graham was a professor at Columbia, who
This post lists my notes from reading the classic investment book: Common Stocks & Uncommon Profits. Written by the famous
In the context of investing, leverage means using additional money that's taken out as a loan to invest into a
Recently, there has been a strong push within the investment community towards passive diversification of investments through the use of
Warren Buffett is the most distinguished investor in existence today. Often ranking somewhere in the top 4 of the Forbes
Compound interest is a term that many have heard often but is rarely well understood. The definition on wikipedia is
  The famous Intelligent Investor book written by Columbia Professor Benjamin Graham was first published in 1949. Establishing the basis
In America, we run on a 'progressive tax' system. This means that your tax rate will increase for each dollar
Having a baby can change your life in many ways. But in the midst of it all, don't forget these
Investments Explained Simply It’s surprising how many people know nothing about investments like stocks and bonds, even though these types
Many recent college graduates commonly think their “next step” should automatically be graduate school. They may reason that the jobs
There's an ongoing misconception that if you ever did want to achieve financial freedom, that you NEED to own a
Each MBTI personality type sees life a little differently when it comes to money and tends to develop different habits
  When you’re making a bit of dough, you may feel inclined to go traveling and try experiencing some of
One of the problems in the financial industry is the presence of easily interchangeable words. For example, when people think